Stop Overthinking your photography.

Within any art form, it’s super easy to overthink…

I mean there’s a million ways of saying something or capturing an image…

The more we overthink it the harder it gets…

Every-time I think too hard on a shot, I end really messing it up. I take a lot of shots but none of them end up making any sense. In my opinion a technically perfect image does not really exists. It’s all subjective and in the end it’s art…

To me however, a good image is one that has emotion and a story. The word or term storytelling in photography is quite intimidating and easily taken for something complex.

To me, whatever you are capturing has to have meaning for you, like why are you capturing this? What are you trying to say?

To do that, I found the best and easy way is to switch to a point of view of documenting your life rather than capturing it through fancy angles and compositions.

It’s super simple, just do things that means something to you, have a camera ALWAYS around and your gut will automatically tell you what image to capture.

Of course don’t overthink it and look at those images another time and it will have a different meaning… because you care.

Document your life! We can’t get moments back but we can capture them!


How to take photos everyday.


Fujifilm XT-5 - First Impressions.